Registrasi Kartu Prabayar

by Media Smart Software



Use of ApplicationsEnter your personal data in advance with the click of the biodataThis biographical data is required to be able to run this application perfectlyNo IDInput with KTP Identification Number if it does not have an ID card No ID can be seen in the Family CardNo. KKInput with Family Card Identification NumberPhone numberNumber who want to register / unreg / check registration statusAfter successfully entering new bio applications ready for useThe features of this application are:-Registrasi prime card either new or existing users-Unregistrasi SIM Card-Cek Participant Registration StatusThe legal basis for the registration of prepaid cards is contained in the Minister of Communication and Information Number 14 Year 2017 concerning Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Number 12 of 2016.Based on a press release of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Kemenkeminfo), the registration needs to be done in order to give protection to the consumer, related to misuse of mobile phone numbers by parties not responsible. As news spread of fraud attempts and hoaxes.